This is Experience #1: The Totally NOT AI* Coloring Book.
So, you are probably wondering why Plastic Citizen is using AI for this book, especially when he hates using it and could probably just draw better pages himself.
The purpose of this silly coloring book is to get YOU to interact with something cringe-worthy. I don’t claim the creation of these pieces, I’ve simply curated them from AI prompts and now invite you to do something equally terrible with them. Art comes from weird places, and you are now part of it. What you do with these pages is up to you. Some may toss this in the trash. Some may burn the book. Others may color every page. That’s part of this endeavor, the YOU part.
I want to see what you do with this. If you choose to throw it away, send a photo of it in your garbage. If you choose to color a page, send it to me via the submission form on this page. Anything you do is worthwhile. Just do something. This is ultimately what this coloring book is about – what you will with it. That’s where the art is.
This coloring book starts and ends with dumpster fires. I think that sums up the project nicely. Let’s go!
*100% Made with AI
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Download a FREE .pdf of this Coloring Book
Sure, you can buy a physical copy of this Coloring Book in my shop or at various events or markets, but this is absolutely FREE for anyone who just wants to download and print the pages yourself. This .pdf is in booklet form and designed printed double -sided and folded. This .pdf does NOT include the cover, just the guts on the inside!